Thursday, February 23, 2012

Inspiration on the bathroom mirror...

I love quotes. I always have. Many years ago, at my suggestion, my husband bought me a beautifully bound little book to become my lifelong Quote Book. It is of such high quality, I hope that it is passed down to my grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

When I read something great or inspiring...or I find a little nugget that I want to think about from my scripture study, then I want to write it down. But not all of those things are worthy of the Quote Book!

So they go on the bathroom mirror. I bought a set of dry erase markers (wet erase will get ruined by the shower steam) and now our bathroom mirror often looks something like this:

That one on top has been there for a while. When I see that, I am reminded that I need to SEE each of my children...see their individual needs...see their gifts and struggles...see them as Christ sees them. I need to bless my children one by one...not always an easy task when there are five of them...but I do feel like I am getting a little better at it most days.

Some days are still discouraging...but that, my friends, is just life! ; )

One of my favorite quotes or thoughts in all my parenting years is this one:

"Patience is a CHOICE. Impatience is a HABIT."

I think I might need to tattoo that one on my forearm! ; )

How do you stay inspired? How do you keep fresh in your mind the things you are trying to improve? Life can get so busy and it is entirely too easy to be completely distracted from the things that really matter in our lives. It seems to take real effort to stay stay tuned in to the things that need attention.  I would love to hear ANY tricks or tips that you might want to share!

p.s. here's two of my favorite talks on the topic...

Good, Better, Best
Of Things that Matter Most

Hope you are having a great day!  And I hope you are able to find even just a kernel of inspiration today to help you in your life.

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